The artwork on the glass of the instrument panel tends to crack and flake with age and is very susceptible to damage during cleaning.
An effective solution is to print and apply a transparent decal (and if you have access to a printer with white ink no further work is required) from the pattern shown.
Reproduced in the font Diamante-Regular, a close match to the original artwork, this must be printed at 300dpi to preserve the correct scale.
The decal will apply the drop shadows and outlines - use the edge marks as guides to align the image with the glass.
For those of us without white ink printers, each character must be carefully filled with a thick white paint using a fine paintbrush.
The decal method requires considerable skill to apply and a simpler, tho equally effective solution, is to apply a solid decal directly to the interior metal face of the instrument panel using the pattern shown.
The interior metal face of the instrument panel should be carefully cleaned and resprayed before applying the decal, to prevent any chance of rust marring the surface.
Cut the decal to size and apply in sections, checking the visibility of the decal thru the front panel.
The small compartment in the dashboard, adjacent to the steering column is referred to as the cubby box, or O/S glovebox. It consists of a thick card body, of 6" total depth, attached by 4 metal brackets. The glovebox compartment is also 6" total depth and held by 6 metal brackets.
Since the back of both compartments are the same size as the hole in the fascia, there is no taper and construction is relatively straight-forward.
Both compartments seem to have been lined with headlining material - a light green color for green interiors but a cream/beige for cars with a red, blue or brown interior.
The image shows the reverse side of the backing card for the cubby box - a section of stiff card that fitted inside the cubby box (and glovebox) to cover the edges of the material lining. The texture of the headlining material can clearly be seen on this example.
This wooden wedge forms part of the lower packing for the central door pillar on the Barker-bodied LD10.
This wooden fillet is located to the top of the central door pillar on the Barker-bodied LD10.
This forms a base to be covered by leatherette to front.
The Barker-bodied LD10 makes use of the single-piece plywood strip on the door pillars. The image has been rotated such that the top of the strip is to the right of the image and the view is from the front.
The rounded-edged cut-away to the bottom of the strip (left) clears the metalwork of the pillar at the floor, the metal fillet at the top (shown black on right) slides into the roof section.
The plywood is 45° bevelled and the edges rounded as the template thickens at the base of the trafficator assembly. An indication of the degree of bevel is given by the darker wood section (to left of image) which would have continued to the rounded corners (this example is damaged, as many examples are, since they tend to snap at the rounded corners).
There is no bevel to the edges of the uppermost portion, except at the very top, the degree of bevel being apparent as the woodwork reaches the metal fillet.
This section of 0.05" thick, straight-grained, walnut veneer was taken from a Barker facia. It conveniently shows the size and position of most of the panel components also.
This view of the back of the tool roll, at 50dpi,