Briggs Paintwork

technical data -

Colors - vehicles

The 1946-1947 color schemes were :

Colors - paint

The engine block (and both covers), water pump and the air silencer were originally painted a gray/green color, somewhat similar to #78866B Camouflage green, although perhaps with a slightly more olive hue, as shown with this desaturated shade of #818F64 Olive Drab.
Leyland produced a gray/blue engine paint in the 1960's which may still be available and is a close enough match for many owners. A superb example can be seen on the photos page. Without an original sample to hand for color-matching, the best match would seem to be #96B4B4 (a desaturated shade of cyan), noting that the luminance is most likely to be incorrect.

The fan blade, dynamo and its mounting bracket were painted black, as were the steering and selector columns, the umbrella handle of the handbrake (not the white Bakelite insert) and the selector quadrant including the chrome plate (but not the numbers, which were left as chrome).
The advance unit on the distributor has also been observed to have been painted black on several vehicles.

The oil filter and its bowl were painted a bronze colour (as supplied by Tecalemit). A few appear to have been painted black.

The sump, petrol pump, carburettor, inlet and exhaust manifolds were not painted, nor were machined surfaces that had mating parts attached.

The interior of the instrument panel was painted a cream color, for which the Rover color 'Champagne Beige' is an almost perfect match.

The later Barker-bodied cars were painted with a thin red or gold coach line (at waist height) along the length of the car.

Samples of blue bodywork paint suggest the color was #0A0A32 commonly referred to as 'Midnight Blue'.


maintenance -

The Briggs dashboard, and instrument panel for all LD10's, was painted with a faux walnut effect. This wood grain effect can be achieved with 'scumble' - an opaque paint over a lighter colored base coat which is 'combed' to produce the faux grain.
A suggested method is to apply J.R.Ratcliffe's Mid-Venetian Red (#67743) undercoat and, when dry, overpaint with J.R.Ratcliffe's Walnut (#2775) oil scumble. While this top coat is still wet, draw a clean, dry brush horizontally across the scumble to create a grain structure. Once dried, a further coat of varnish is recommended to protect the finish.
A far simpler, modern solution is to print the woodgrain with a color laserprinter onto transfer paper, affix to the metalwork and apply a protective varnish topcoat. When comparing an original example, do remember that paint ages and changes color - it is likely that the original finish would have matched the Barker wooden dashboard more closely.

problems -

To be written...

removal -

To be written...

other notes -

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diagrams -

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None yet.