Vehicle Registration Form

Please take a few moments of your time to help us keep track of those few remaining vehicles. We appreciate any information you can give us, owner or not, and treat the information in strictest confidence.

Required fields are shown in bold - Please try to give either the chassis # or registration # (ideally both), so that the vehicle can be identified!

Your Name
Optional - May be your own name, a company name, or someone you know the car belonged to..

Email Address
(or Phone #)
Optional - This information will not be shared with any 3rd party and is only to allow us to contact you should we require further clarification of any vehicle details.

Chassis #
Please enter the chassis # or registration # (ideally both) to identify the vehicle. The number is found on a plate mounted inside the engine bay (adjacent to the starter handle) and starts with L6....

Registration #
Please enter the current registration # or chassis # (ideally both) to identify the vehicle. If you know of any previous registration marks, (ie. registration was transferred) please also let us know.

Body #
Optional - This information can be found on a plate mounted inside the engine bay (adjacent to the starter handle) and typically starts with 101-.... or 46-....

Engine #
Optional - This information can be found stamped on the fuel pump boss and from the logbook. If the number in the logbook does not match that on the fuel pump boss, please give both. Note that 30628 and 31371 are LIST numbers, NOT engine numbers.

Body Color

Required - Please specify any other color or duotone combination in 'Notes' (below)

Seat & Door Trim Color

Optional - Please specify any other color (or mismatched colors) in 'Notes' (below)

Vehicle Type

Required - The Briggs body consisted of a 6-light saloon, the boot opens downwards. The Barker body consisted of a 4-light saloon, the boot opens upwards. The front of both appears the same with the exception of a passlamp and vertical chromed strips beneath the headlamps (assuming they have not been lost or removed). Please specify any other body (eg. Hooper, Avon, Wentworth) in 'Notes' (below)

Date Purchased
Optional - If the vehicle was not purchased by yourself, please enter the date you last saw the vehicle.

Price Paid
Please help us to estimate the value of these vehicles by letting us know how much you paid (and the date purchased). This information is kept confidential and never shared with any 3rd party.

Any Other Notes
Optional - Any other information about the vehicle you would like to tell us. This information is recorded and may be shared with future owners of the vehicle.

Image Verification
Please enter the text from the image [ What's This? ]